Hello, I am using Xinerama for multimonitor support on an Intel video card, along with Xfce4.8.0. If I enable desktop compositing, the only major problem I have is that the Terminal window is rendered always on top (even if another application has the focus). I tried with xcompmgr and the result is the same. The only composition manager that seems to work regarding this issue is cairo-compmgr, but it has other rendering issues. Does anyone else 'enjoys' the same issues w/ Intel & Xinerama & Xfce's Terminal?
Seems to be somewhat related to https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6495 , but I have black blocks around characters problem only in cairo-compmgr, while on xcompmgr and xfce's compositing manager the terminal is always black and on top (w/ Xinerama)
Not a bug in Xfce.