Hi, I'm here on Archlinux and try to play webm files with parole. This does not work. Parole just does nothing and no error message is printed. Even with a high Debug level I cannot see whats the matter. Due to this [1] post I tried to execute this command before building parole: echo "video/webm" >> data/mime/mime-type-list.txt Builed with that mime-type included (and with the good and bad gstreamer plugins installed) every thing works as aspected, i.e. parole play the webm file. I'm not really sure if this is a bug, since I do not know if parole claims to support webm. So if this is no bug, regard it as a feature request. Best regards, Pascal [1] http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/xfce/parole.html
I've heard about the inability to play webm files from a different user but cannot confirm it here. I tested with files from www.webmfiles.org
I've just patched parole to have full support for webm, please try it again from git master.
Thanks for fast reply! Now everything works for me :)