Using XFCE 4.10 under Salix-64. Downloaded, compiled, installed wmctrl from sourceforge. It runs without complaints, but won't control or report on any windows. For an example that works under XFCE 4.8 but not 4.10. see shellscript at I renamed the script because the crappy MS server provided by my ISP won't serve a file called 'timer'. I dunno why. From 'man wmctrl': "...can be used to interact with an X Window manager that is compatible with the EWMH/NetWM specification." Is this no longer true for xfwm4 under XFCE 4.10 ?
No reason for this, nothing has changed in xfwm4 regarding EWMH support.
Installed Xubuntu12.10 w/XFCE 4.10, installed wmctrl from repository, could not confirm this problem. So I guess it's a Salix problem. How did that happen? OK to close, I guess.