To reproduce : Data exchange -> external file Add an external file with several events. The events appear in the list in the main orage window. When double-clicked, an event shows a configuration window with all widgets greyed out. The title displayed (window title and event title) is the summary or description of the fist event of the external file, whichever event is clicked.
This maybe a corruption in the external file. Would it be possible to provide a test file to show this issue?
Created attachment 4744 Test case
Sure. There it is. I created it with gbirthday. If the error is in the .ics file, I'll do my best to modify gbirthday so as to generate a correct file. This file has 2 events scehduled for the next days. Both should appear in the main orage window, assuming it is set to display enough days in advance. When clicking on the second event, the title refers to the first event.
The problem happens because the UID: Field is exactly the same for both (gbirthday-20121120T005238Z). Orage relies on UID and bases all actions on UID. So if there are duplicates in UID, Orage is not able to make the difference. I hope you can modify those so that they are unique.
Hi. You are absolutely right. The issue is on my side. I did the .ics export in gbirthday and my implementation is incorrect as regards to RFC 2445. More generally, although I tried to refer to the spec, it is mostly trial and error, with orage as a "reference implementation". I shall correct this UID issue soon, it's straightforward. I doubt anybody else than me uses this .ics export anyway... Sorry about the noise...