Originally discussed on the ML: http://old.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE%3A-xfce4-weather-plugin-0.8.2-released-tp34422680p34456381.html Liviu: >>> - It may be interesting to put the forecast dates to the right-hand of >>> the forecast table. Say, you would have 'Today' on the left-hand side >>> and '19 Sep' on the right hand side, 'Tomorrow' and '20 Sep', 'Friday' >>> and '21 Sep'. Sometimes people function in terms of weekdays, while >>> other times they prefer actual dates. >> Harald: >> That's a good idea. Either make an option for selecting what is shown on the >> left side (weekdays, dates, maybe both), or add another column on the right >> (but then that might not look very nice). >> Liviu: > On the right side it might be too cluttered, indeed. But building on > your idea, I would suggest using a scheme similar to that used by > OrageClock: A user-configurable string similar to '%A (%d %b)' would > result in 'Wednesday (19 Sep) being displayed. Allow only the use of > relevant 'date' macros, and provide some sensible defaults, and the > implementation would be flexible and useful. Harald: On a second thought, isn't that a bit overkill? I mean, "today" and "tomorrow" are quite clear to me, easier to grasp than a date which you have to translate into a weekday ("Now what weekday is that date? Oh yeah, that is today."). If you need to know the date, why not simply look at the calendar or datetime plugin? Using such strings seems ok for a calendar or clock where that is the main interest, but here I think they may even mess up the layout of the forecast window, and then you have to care about the parsing too etc. Basically I think that the user should be able to configure of weekdays on the left-hand side. An OrageClock-like approach (describe above) would be flexible and useful, although it may mean additional implementation overhead. Personally I would like to have 'Wednesday (19 Sep)' or 'Wed (19 Sep)' on the left-hand side, and this approach would allow it.
Won't fix for the reasons provided. If you want to know the dates you can look at the datetime plugin which provides a simple calendar.