About a week or two ago, Terminal started causing X to consume massive amounts of CPU power, resulting in my machine slowing to a crawl. I have no logs that show abnormal behavior, but a quick look at htop while starting up Terminal makes it clear that it's causing the problem. I'm running Arch Linux, with xmonad as my window manager.
I'm seeing the same in my Mageia Cauldron (the development version).
Just tell me which info is needed and I'll try to provide it.
Finally found out what's causing the high CPU load: If there's BackgroundMode=TERMINAL_BACKGROUND_IMAGE in config, but no background image defined.
Hello Jani, Thank you for the info, can you also provide the copy of the terminalrc file when the issue is visible. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Terminal/terminalrc Regards, Mike
Created attachment 4575 config See the attached file. This is easy to reproduce. First remove the whole BackgroundMode line from the config file. Then choose Terminal to use a background image from the settings, but don't choose any backgound image to use and close the settings window.
Thanks for the information :) I can reproduce with your config file and the steps.
Can anyone reproduce it on 0.6.90 or git version? I'm not seeing this issue.
Cannot reproduce.