I've been using the rather trendy and good-looking Clearlooks engine, but I've noticed a small problem in the Xfce panel menu and xfdesktop menu: http://lila-theme.uni.cc/andrewski/rep/diffcolors.png As you can see, the submenu text is black when highlighted, when it should be white. The same is true for the xfdesktop menu. In fact, the "Run Program..." menu button at the bottom of the main menu is the same. Brian adds: "gtk handles style inheritance for derived widgets really stupidly, so you have to do a manual hack to apply the styles to subclassed widgets. Apparently that doesn't work anymore."
Interesting. I'm using ClearLooks with gtk 2.8.3, and I don't see this problem anymore. It's possible the problem is still present elsewhere though...
Well that's what happens when you don't look at bugs for a while; they just shrivel up and die. And disappear. If only that were true. But I'm not noticing this anymore either.