Hi All, A request for your expert evaluation for inclusion in 4.10: In 4.8, when I am editing an "Item's" properties in a "Launcher", I am not able to directly edit the path of the "Icon". Would you consider adding a way to directly edit the "Icon's" path? For instance, it would be a lot easier to directly edit the 3.4 to 3.5 after upgrading Libre Office: LO 3.4: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/libreoffice3.4-writer LO 3.5: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/libreoffice3.5-writer than to have to hunt it down with the graphics utility. It would also assist me in finding the new icons, if I could also see the location of the old icons. You could also clipboard drop the results of a find /usr/share/icons | grep -i your_icon_here directly. Thank you for your consideration, -T
I still don't see the point of this. The icon finder dialog has support for files and the filter should work for this as well.
Icons in Gtk have neither path names nor file names so there is simply nothing to edit. This is because they are selected by Gtk automatically using an abstract icon name, size and theme. The icon selection mechanism (and any potential problems with it, like perhaps the one you are experiencing) is out of scope of Xfce. Having said that, you can enforce manual selection of a specific image/icon _file_ by choosing "Image Files" in the "Select An Icon" dialog box. This will bypass the selection mechanism and allow you to edit the image file name/path.
(In reply to comment #2) > Having said that, you can enforce manual selection of a specific image/icon > _file_ by choosing "Image Files" in the "Select An Icon" dialog box. This > will bypass the selection mechanism and allow you to edit the image file > name/path. Hi Guys, This is the mechanism have been using. It is "awkward". 1) It does not let you copy and paste an icons paths and name as it only lets you paste a directory. 2) It does not show you the full name and path of an icon that has become invalid. (Libre Office is forever changing the names of their ions.) Meaning: a) you have no idea where the original, now invalid icon, existed b) you can not directly change a letter (say "4" to a "5", as in Libre Office) by directly editing the path. The purpose of my enhancement request is to make management of icons less "awkward". What I would really love to see is a button labeled "Edit Icon Target". Would you please reconsider this request? Many thanks, -T