Typically, the TAB key is used to trigger the shell auto completion; so when I use a gnome/KDE terminal or xterm and type: > ls $HOME/bi<TAB> ... that would translate to /home/userid/bin for example. When I do that in the xfce terminal, I see > ls \$HOME/bi so the terminal enters a \ to escape the $ character I entered on purpose. In my eyes, this is plain wrong; I cant see any benefit from this. At least, it should be possible to deactivate this behavior using a preference setting.
Sorry; I forgot to mention that I am running xubuntu 11.04 with xfce 4.8 methinks.
This is something in bash or you shell, t has nothing to do with the Xfce terminal. Search Google, because this is 'new' since bash 4.2 for example.
Agreed. Thank you very much. Now that I know what I should be looking for: http://old.nabble.com/Completion-of-ENV-variables-seems-to-be-broken---leading-slash-(or-even-more)-is-added-td31153696.html