In short: Most people enables some sort of time/datetime plugin for the panel, so having xfcalendar pop up in the systray all the time is sort of redundant I feel. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3.
As an additional comment to this, if I actually *do* close xfcalendar from the systray, it stops entirely with displaying notices/alarms about stuff I have entered on the given date. For instance: 1. Enter stuff you need to do tomorrow 2. Close the xfcalendar systray icon 3. Wait for midnight to come and go 4. No alerts/warnings I'm totally okay with Xfcalendar running as an invisible process (that is, no systray-icon) if I can still get my alarms and so on, AND save the space in the systray. Once I click on the "time" plugin, xfcalendar reappears in my systray and gives me whatever alerts it needs to.
Yes, closing xfcalendar from systray stops xfcalendar. This works as planned. The Feature request is good and we are planning to implement an option to disable xfcalendar from systray.
done. now in CVS.
done. in CVS. Also added control for appearance in taskbar and pager.
released as 4.2.1
Moving all bugs to new Orage product.