Thunar stores the emblem names incorrectly, cutting off the last character. To reproduce: 1. create folders called "x1" and "x2". 2. rclick "x1", emblems, any emblem. 3. move up folder 4. return to folder Expected: "x1" has an emblem, "x2" has no emblem; Actual result: both folders have an emblem now. /home/e/.cache/Thunar % tdbtool metafile.tdb tdb> dump key 21 bytes file:///home/e/temp/x data 16 bytes [000] 00 65 6D 62 6C 65 6D 2D 64 65 66 61 75 6C 74 00 .emblem- default --- Arch Linux x86_64 % pacman -Q | grep -i thuna thunar 1.2.0-1 thunar-archive-plugin 0.2.4-8 thunar-thumbnailers 0.4.1-3 thunar-vfs 1.2.0-2
Fixed in master and in the xfce-4.8 branch. commit c231b0f266ca52be057cac23dfef12d1c2995895 Author: Jannis Pohlmann <> Date: Mon Jan 24 18:55:16 2011 +0100 Fix truncated strings when loading and storing emblems (bug #7171). The last character of all key names was always left out when storing the key/value pair in the TDB file. As a consequence, two similarly named files (e.g. x1 and x2) were treated the same (x) and both were assigned the same emblems.