I have launchers with several items in them, and if i enable tooltips on those launchers, the menu popping is slow, and 'hilighting' for the first time an item in the list takes smth like 2s. Item is hilighted just before the tooltip is shown, so i suppose its related to the time waiting for the tooltip to be generated on the fly. I also have the 'feeling' that a menu with say 14 items containing custom commands to launch in a term (ie for me entries to reattach screens on various remote machines) will be slower than a menu filled with apps from regular desktop files, dragndropped from the appfinder.
It might feel slow because it loads icons. Do you have an up2date icon cache for the then (and falback) you use?
Yes, gtk-update-icon-cache is normally called after installing each xfce component. I will have to check if i disable icons, and with the default theme instead of tango.
Fixed in cfad253, but the actual problem is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=516130.