I'm one of those weird people who dislike hinted text rendering. XFCE works fine with hinting disabled, except for one little niggle: In ui_plugin's interface, there's an option to select the subpixel colour order of your display. It's labelled as "Use sub-pixel hinting", and is only available when hinting is enabled. This is awkward because subpixel rendering is also used for unhinted text. If you enable hinting, turn on subpixel rendering, then disable hinting, you'll get unhinted text with subpixel rendering (as you'd expect), but you then can't disable subpixel rendering again without turning hinting back on temporarily, and you can't turn it on in the first place without also turning on hinting. The relevant code is in plugins/ui_plugin/ui_plugin.c. As far as I can see, all that needs doing to make it possible to toggle subpixel rendering when hinting is off is to replace the string "Use sub-pixel hinting:" with "Use sub-pixel rendering:", and remove the calls to gtk_widget_set_sensitive(...->aa_checkbox3, ...). Alternately, if the intention was to force subpixel rendering on the display to be disabled when hinting is off (which isn't entirely unreasonable, given that I think it looks ugly, but I could imagine other people wouldn't), then apply_xft_options should instead be changed to force current_xft_rgba to "none" if !current_xft_hinting. Thanks!
Benedikt, I'm assigning this to you. Any opinions on this?
Fixed with revision 22727.