When opening an iCalendar (.ics) file the "Note" section displays the description for the alarm as opposed to the event description. If this is by design then perhaps there should be an area for the event description. Example: given the following icalendar file: BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Test iCal//NONSGML iCal//EN METHOD:REQUEST BEGIN:VEVENT ATTENDEE;CN="Some Person";RSVP=TRUE:mailto:Some.Person@Domain.com CLASS:PUBLIC LOCATION:Some Place ORGANIZER;CN="Some Body":mailto:Some.Body@Domain.com UID:20100817T100406-657377696-Domain.com DTSTAMP:20100817T100406 DTSTART:20100817T160000 DTEND:20100817T170000 SUMMARY:Test Event TRANSP:OPAQUE DESCRIPTION:This is a test event... BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT15M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Reminder END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR The DESCRIPTION which is part of VALARM will be desplayed in the "Note" section in Orage.
Yes, I can reproduce this. Orage does not permit descriptions on alarm level, but of course it should keep the main description instead of the alarm description.
This is fixed in Orage Orage now correctly ignore and overwrites alarm description. If you think separate alarm description is needed, please file a new enhancement bug.
in 4.8.0