long URls are often line wrapped in the terminal display, however Open Link only parsed the first line. For instance in emacs, this would be something like: http://bugzilla.xfce.org/token.cgi?t=Zth2s65Upo\ &a=request_new_account so the request if for Terminal to be configurable to recognize the backslashes and continue to parse subsequent lines, removing the backslashes to form a URL: http://bugzilla.xfce.org/token.cgi?t=Zth2s65Upo&a=request_new_account Thanks! and btw great software
This doesn't seem to be a problem anymore. In 0.6.1, I can hover over a multiline URL and the entire thing gets highlighted. If I right-click and "Copy Link Address", then I get the entire URL.
Tested this on 0.6.2 and it is still problem in some case: run "aptitude show xfce4-terminal" on Debian based distribution in narrow window. The Homepage link does not work apparently due to justification. It might be hard to distinct whether it is the rest of the link or some other staff in the next line, so it might be aptitude to blame for this.
Seems to be not reproducible on the git version.