Despite being listed (and enabled) in Sessions & Startup -> Application Autostart, clipman doesn't start when I log into my account.
How did you start it? Is the autostart file installed inside your personal directory? Do you maybe have problems with write permission? When you start clipman from the menu it runs the xfce4-clipman command and automatically installs the file ~/.config/autostart/xfce4-clipman-plugin-autostart.desktop with the key Hidden set to false. When you quit clipman from the notification area (right click > Remove) it will set the Hidden key to true. The autostart file is first available system-wide with Hidden set to true within the /etc/xdg/autostart directory.
I start it from xfce menu. Autostart I was talking about is in XFCE Menu -> Preferences -> Sessions and Startup The file you mentioned is there and has Hidden=false I didn't stop clipman by hand - I leave it on as I shutdown or reboot, but it never comes back up by itself.
It's very hard to tell. If you have a log of your X session (in /var/log or maybe ~/.xsession-errors) try to grep for clipman. How long does it take for your panel to show up with its notification area? Clipman gives a full minute for the notification area to be ready, otherwise it quits as it wouldn't be possible for it to be displayed. I had suggest to quit clipman, delete the autostart file inside ~/.config/autostart/ and start it again :/
Removing the autostart/...desktop file worked. Here are the diffs if you want: 5d4 < Name[ast]=Clipman 28d26 < Name[sk]=Clipman 34d31 < Name[vi]=Clipman 37,38c34 < Comment=Clipboard manager < Comment[ast]=Xestor de cartafueyu --- > Comment=Clipboards manager 39a36 > Comment[cs]=Správce schránek 42c39 < Comment[el]=Διαχειριστής προχείρου --- > Comment[el]=Διαχειριστής πρoχείρων 44c41,42 < Comment[fr]=Gestionnaire de presse-papier --- > Comment[fi]=Leikepöytien hallintatyökalu > Comment[fr]=Gestionnaire de presse-papiers 46a45 > Comment[id]=Manajer papan klip 49d47 < Comment[lv]=Starpliktuves pārvaldnieks 50a49 > Comment[pl]=Zarządza skopiowanymi elementami 52,53c51 < Comment[sk]=Správca schránky < Comment[tr]=Pano yöneticisi --- > Comment[tr]=Pano Yöneticisi 56d53 < Comment[vi]=Trình quản lý bộ nhớ đệm 58,59c55,56 < TryExec=xfce4-clipman < Exec=xfce4-clipman --- > TryExec=xfce4-clipman-plugin > Exec=xfce4-clipman-plugin
(In reply to comment #4) > Removing the autostart/...desktop file worked. Here are the diffs if you want: > > 58,59c55,56 > < TryExec=xfce4-clipman > < Exec=xfce4-clipman > --- > > TryExec=xfce4-clipman-plugin > > Exec=xfce4-clipman-plugin My bad. The version 1.0 had a single binary, xfce4-clipman-plugin, serving both for the panel plugin and the standalone application. Starting at 1.1 this is split into two separate files but I didn't add something to migrate the autostart file.
Fixed in git 85cb0d9.