(Forwarding from downstream: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/478029 ) Steps to reproduce: 1. New install of Xubuntu 9.10 2. Customize panel... for the panel at the top of the screen (the one with the clock on it). 3. Choose one of the left or right vertically oriented panel positions. 4. BUG: Notice that the digital clock is now clipped because the text needs more space than the panel offers. Obviously, if the panel is made wider, the digital clock text has room to show itself, but I like the Gnome clock that orients along with the panel reorientation. This allows me to keep the thin, default panel size, but have it sideways and still be able to read the time. As a widescreen laptop user, I prefer to have my top panel on the left. Some possible solutions: - Add an option for the Clock that offers the ability to orient it sideways (L or R) so that the digital (and other text-based) clocks can be oriented sideways.
It looks like this is a bug against the clock, not xfce4-datetime-plugin, so it should not be assigned to me. -Diego
This is already implemented in 4.8, but you need to enable the hidden property rotate-vertically for the plugin.