I have a Toshiba laptop and use an external VGA LCD. When I log in to XFCE and change resolution to my LCD settings (1400x900) everything works wonderfully while in that session. However, next time I try to login, the session crashes until I delete ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/displays.xml or at first I was deleting my whole ~/.conf directory. Not very good. My guess is displays.xml is only holding screen1 values, there is only screen1 listed in that file, but my LCD is actually screen2, so when I try to return to my xfce session, the machine tries to set my laptop LCD with my external LCD's resolution, which fails miserably. Is there a way to manually add another screen property to this xml file so I won't have to delete it or revert to a standard resolution every time I log out? Thanks so much for an excellent desktop layer, I've used XFCE for years now and love it. Clay
Its very similar to what they say here: http://forum.xfce.org/index.php?action=printpage;topic=4892.0 but it sounds like theirs is failing safely into a usable resolution. In my case X dies and I'm kicked back into gdm.
Using this displays.xml will bomb next time i try to login. (xfce fails to load and I get kicked back into gdm) I have to ctrl+F1 into shell and delete it. displays.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <channel name="displays" version="1.0"> <property name="Default" type="empty"> <property name="Layout" type="string" value="Screens"/> <property name="NumScreens" type="int" value="1"/> <property name="Screen_0" type="empty"> <property name="Resolution" type="string" value="1440x900"/> <property name="RefreshRate" type="int" value="60"/> <property name="Rotation" type="int" value="0"/> </property> </property> </channel> This resolution property works. <property name="Resolution" type="string" value="1024x768"/> This xml file is purely output of the Display GUI right?
Hi, This might be xubuntu specific. If you use xsplash (the fancy loading screen between gdm and your desktop), please try to disable it (for example, rename it: "sudo mv /usr/bin/xsplash /usr/bin/xsplash.disabled"), and see if you're still experiencing this issue.
(In reply to comment #3) Disabling /usr/bin/xsplash fixed (bypassed) the same problem for me Some posts of people having this problem - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8508447 - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1309603
Fixed in git master.