Hello! I have 20 machines based on FreeBSD 7.2. XFCE4.6.0 has been installed from pkg_add -r xfce. I have a SAMBA server. It works as files exchange and it has folder //DB/EXCHANGE. I trying to get access to EXCHANGE in this way: 1. I created /exchange folder on each machine. 2. mount_smbfs -E koi8-r:utf-8 -I //DB/EXCHANGE /exchange 3. the /exchange is mounted successfully. 4. I am trying to create file with cyrillic symbols in /exchange via Terminal- It is ok (cyrillic symbols corectly created in //DB and corectly viewed in MS Windows machines). 5. I am trying to create file with cyrilic symbols in /exchange via Thunar- Thunar's dilog with "Creating folder ...." appears and holds - Nothing is been creating. 6. I installed Dolphin file manager - it works as well. I checked rights for mount point /exchange, tried change smb.conf's string dos_charset and other. Nothing helped me. Very strange, but if I set dos charset koi-8r or cp866 - and trying mount_smbfs -E koi8-r:utf-8 -I //DB/EXCHANGE /exchange. Folders and files viewed in Thunar as well but when I am creating new files and folders with cyrillic symbols in names, //DB has error named files and folders. Also MS windows machines see the same error names. All machines have LANG=ru_RU.KOI8-R settings and //DB's smb.conf has: unix charset = koi8-r display charset =koi8-r dos charset = utf-8 How to fix it? Is it a bug or feature?
Old code, please reopen if this is still an issue with the latest thunar release.