Xfce4-session currently uses either hald or sudo to reboot and shutdown. I recently disabled HAL, because I dislike the way it works, it uses a lot of resources and I never needed it for anything other than rebooting/shutting down in Xfce anyway. Of course, now I can only use the logout button, the other buttons are disabled. So here is my suggestion: in addition to hald and sudo, add a support for the shutdown UNIX utility. Both operations can be done easily ("shutdown -r now" and "shutdown -h now") and the shutdown utility is natively found in all UNIX-like systems. http://www.softwareplug.com/Linux/man/shutdown/8 http://www.softwareplug.com/BSD/man/shutdown/8 etc. Thank you.
It does use shutdown, obviously. sudo is merely used to allow xfsm-shutdown-helper to run the command as root, which is required to shut down. There are some current known bugs with the sudo method, that I believe have been fixed in git but not released yet.
> It does use shutdown, obviously. sudo is merely used to allow > xfsm-shutdown-helper to run the command as root, which is required to shut > down. > There are some current known bugs with the sudo method, that I believe have > been fixed in git but not released yet. Sorry to bring this up again, but the problem is not the sudo method, which may be fine, but using sudo altogether. I think I was not clear about this, but my idea was to enable users to reboot/shutdown using neither of the two. Under FreeBSD, you can use the shutdown program automatically if your user is part of the operator group (something necessary for many other things like user device mounting and automounting). So if I'm using a WM other than Xfwm, I just add two menu items or buttons for both commands and just click these. I thought it's a shame Xfce4-session can't do that since it's the simplest way, much simpler and straightforward than using HAL or sudo. Thank you.
Ah, I see. Yes, that might be useful, though it's not a particularly high priority for me to work on, so patches accepted.
Reassign to xfce-bugs@xfce.org.
This part has been rewritten multiple time with fallback modes etc. Please open a new bug with up2date informations if you still have this problem.