Similar to bug #421. When I enable the "Wrap Workspaces" option in the Windows Manager options, I can not change workspaces using the mouse. However, if I enable the "Wrap Workspaces while dragging a window" option, I can change workspaces by dragging a window but am not able to do so using just the mouse.
I'm not seeing anything wrong here. Can you explain exactly what is your current configuration , what behaviour you are experiencing and what you get?
What aspect of my configuration are you interested in? I'm using Gentoo 2004.3 on a Pentium 4. Here are versions of things I'm using: XFCE: 4.1.99 XOrg: 6.8.0 with Composite extensions Kernel: 2.6.8 GCC: 3.3.4 Are there log files, config files or anything else I can attach for reference? Just FYI other users on the Gentoo forum report no problems with this feature either so perhaps mine is an artifact of upgrade from 4.0.6 to 4.1.99? Only odd thing is that this worked perfectly in 4.0.6
I'd like to know how yo configured your desktop - what options are set (like wrap workspace with mouse, wrap workspace while dragging window, etc.), if you customized you xfwm4rc, if the panel is vertically or horizontally, what behaviour you are seeing wrong precisely.
Here's the contents of my ~/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/xfwm4.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mcs-option SYSTEM "mcs-option.dtd"> <mcs-option> <option name="Xfwm/BoxMove" type="int" value="0"/> <option name="Xfwm/BoxResize" type="int" value="0"/> <option name="Xfwm/ButtonLayout" type="string" value="OTS|HMC"/> <option name="Xfwm/ClickToFocus" type="int" value="1"/> <option name="Xfwm/DblClickAction" type="string" value="maximize"/> <option name="Xfwm/FocusNewWindow" type="int" value="1"/> <option name="Xfwm/FocusRaise" type="int" value="0"/> <option name="Xfwm/KeyThemeName" type="string" value="default.keys"/> <option name="Xfwm/RaiseDelay" type="int" value="250"/> <option name="Xfwm/RaiseOnClick" type="int" value="1"/> <option name="Xfwm/SnapToBorder" type="int" value="1"/> <option name="Xfwm/SnapToWindows" type="int" value="0"/> <option name="Xfwm/SnapWidth" type="int" value="10"/> <option name="Xfwm/ThemeName" type="string" value="Curve"/> <option name="Xfwm/TitleAlign" type="string" value="center"/> <option name="Xfwm/TitleFont" type="string" value="Verdana 9"/> <option name="Xfwm/WrapResistance" type="int" value="1"/> <option name="Xfwm/WrapWindows" type="int" value="1"/> <option name="Xfwm/WrapWorkspaces" type="int" value="1"/> </mcs-option> My panel is oriented horizontally across the bottom of my screen. In the settings applet for Window Manager, I've selected both Wrap workspaces when the pointer reaches a screen edge as well as Wrap workspaces when dragging a window off the screen. The edge resistance is set to small, but changing it doesn't seem to affect whether my scenario works. With these settings, I can switch desktops by dragging a window off of the left or right edge of my screen. However, if I just try to move the mouse point off of the edge of a screen, no desktop switching occurs.
I see nothing wrong, I don't actually see the issue. Just to make sure, as the screen is not "extensible", you need to keep the pointer on the scren edge and move the mouse slightly up and down to trigger the switch. Does that help?
Unfortunately no really. I've tried to wiggle the mouse pointer up and down at the screen edge to no avail. The switching behavior works exactly as expected when I am dragging a window so I think I am activating the funtionality ok but it doesn't seem to work when I am using just the mouse pointer with no window dragging. I'm sorry to have taken up so much of your time. If I can produce more helpful pointers as to the problem, I will update this issue. Is there a way to enable tracing in xfw4?
A few aditinal questions: - Do you have multiple screens (ie more than a single screen attached to your computer)? => wrap worspace is disabled with multi-screen. - Can you run "xfwm4 --version" and post the result? Thanks in advance.
Good news, I'm able to repduce the problem.
Ok, fixed in CVS. Thanks for poitning this out. The key point was that the problem arised only when the compositing manager is enabled. Please note that anon CVS lags, so you may not get the fix immediatly.