Hi, I installed the xfce 4.2rc1 with the installer provided by os-cillation. During the installation all was fine. I installed the xfce4.2rc1 in the home directory ~/temporal/xfce4rc1/xfce4dir [I could give you the .xfce4.installer-log if you need it; I don't know how can I attach archives here] The transition to old xfce4 (4.0.6) configuration to new xfce4 was fine [I could give you my configuration]. In particular, I have the FreeSans 10pt in old xfce4 and FreeSans 10pt in new configuration. I saw the new xfce4 as the old. I went to Preferences-->Font preferences and I only touch "anti-aliasing" font. I switch from "enable" to "disable" and then a worst aspect of my fonts became. But then I think that if I switch to "enable", then the aspect of my fonts was exactly what it was before I touch it. But not, when I switch to "enable" the fonts are more smaller than before. I restart xfce4.2rc1 and even X and all was equal. The fonts are smaller than before. You could see that in: http://img5.exs.cx/img5/8172/Captura-anti-xfce406.png (xfce 4.0.6 screenshot) http://img115.exs.cx/img115/946/Captura-anti-2.png (xfce 4.2rc1 screenshot) If you need more info, ask me. Thanks, Xan.
What do you have for Xft settings (Xft.*: ) in any of the following: Xdefaults, ~/.Xresources, or your xinitrc (likely ~/.config/xfce4/xinitrc)?
i saw your first screenshot, but when i tried to load the second, the connection timed out. please try to attach the screenshots to this bug using the "create a new attachment" link above the comments box. if it's too large, feel free to crop out most of the image; just a single-window sample with text (preferably the UI settings window) is enough.
The first screenshot is with Xfce 4.0.X where the DPI ("dot per inch") of the screen was forced at 96 dpy. The second screenshot is with Xfce 4.2.x where I thionk the DPI is not forced and therefore computed by Xorg/XFree86 based on the monitor infos. This difference can have a direct impact on the size of the displayed fonts.
Created attachment 110 Screenshots of 4.0.6 and 4.2rc1 for seeing difference in fonts size This is the captures of my first comment for people who have problem with the server timeouts.
To Andrew: is it possibly that I haven't any of these files (~/.Xauthority and ~/.xinitrc and ~/.config/xfce/.xinitrc)?. How can I locate these files in all my system?. To Olivier: is it possibly to change the dpi's in xfce4.2? Thanks, Xan.
Try "locate xinitrc | grep xfce4"; copy that xinitrc to ~. Then edit it accordingly, noting the Xft settings.
Created attachment 114 All xinitrc that I have in my system All xinitrc files that I have on my system and that could serve to some developers.
The result of "locate xinitrc | grep xfce4" is: ~$ locate xinitrc | grep xfce4 /etc/X11/xfce4/xinitrc /etc/xfce4/xinitrc.xfce4-session /home/xan/temporal/xfce4rc1/xfce4dir/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc The /home/xan/temporal/xfce4rc1/xfce4dir is the home directory where I installed new xfce4 (4.2rc1). I copied /home/xan/temporal/xfce4rc1/xfce4dir/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc to ~/.config/xfce4/ and run xfce4.2rc1 and all seems equal (the fonts seems small than with 4.0.x). Then I copied the second file (/etc/xfce4/xinitrc.xfce4-session) to ~/.config/xfce4/ (replacing xinitrc) and things changed (fonts are exactly as xfce 4.0.x). The first file has the same result as second. [I have 4.0.6 system-wide installation] I submit the files in this bug. The three are different. Relating this results I want to ask you: 1) What values, exactly, I have to change into /home/xan/temporal/xfce4rc1/xfce4dir/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc to obtain the same font aspect as old xfce4? 2) So the real bug is a "migration bug": the process of migration from 4.0.x config files to 4.2rc1 is not good as it have to be? Thanks for your patiente, Xan.
Created attachment 164 Differences between right .config and .cache dirs and wrong...
The same error occurred in 4.2.0 already: - I go for the first time in xfce 4.2.0 (I have no .config/xfce, .config/sessions, .cache directories), all is fine. - I logout, I login another time in xfce 4.2.0 and I change "anti-aliasing" propierty to "disable" and immediately to "enable". - All seems equal before I changed it. But when I logout and I login another time, the fonts are very small. I attached the old and new .cache and .config directories differences. I hope this serve you. Regards, Xan.
I'm assuming that this is fixed, as there have been no replies since 2005-01-21...