I can chose my screen resolution and refersh rate (1024 x 768 x 100 Hz) in Settings Manager / Display, and when I click on Apply, it is correctly changed. However, after restarting Xfce, refresh rate is set to 85 Hz, so I must change it again. The same happens in Xfce 4.6.0 and 4.6.1. I have the correct modeline in xorg.conf, and I can change the refresh rate using xrandr. With the same xorg.conf, Xfce 4.4.x used to nicely start in 1024 x 768 x 100 Hz display mode. My video card is ATI Radeon 9000. I know that the similar bug has been already reported and corrected (Settings Manager being unable to set display mode), but I think this is a different one (because Settings Manager can change display mode, but it is not remembered after restart). .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/displays.xml file has the correct content (RefreshRate ... 100), even after restart, but it seems that it is not read or not interpreted well.
Confirmed in Zenwalk 6.2 BETA, with XFCE 4.6.1, xrandr 1.3, xorg 6.4 -> Screen resolution changes from the XFCE settings are applied -> Looking in .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/displays.xml , I can see that the value is correctly saved, -> The screen resolution is not restored after I logout/login. This bug is a blocker for Zenwalk 6.2. Thanks for your help JP
Workaround : run the following at startup : xrandr --screen 0 \ -s $(xfconf-query -c displays -p /Default/Screen_0/Resolution) \ -r $(xfconf-query -c displays -p /Default/Screen_0/RefreshRate)
This is not a blocker for 4.6.2 because seriously, why would we want to block bugfix releases? I agree it should be fixed though. Nick wrote the code, maybe he has an idea.
Should be fixed in trunk (r30430) and 4.6 branch (r30431).