Overview: To build the notes-plugin fails by the following errors if vala's version is 0.6.1 or 0.7.0. Error messages: /usr/bin/valac --pkg=gtk+-2.0 hypertextview.vala -C hypertextview.vala:171.24-172.41: error: Too many arguments, method `GLib.Timeout.add_seconds_full' does not take 4 arguments hypertextview.vala:177.24-178.42: error: Too many arguments, method `GLib.Timeout.add_seconds_full' does not take 4 arguments hypertextview.vala:343.23-344.41: error: Too many arguments, method `GLib.Timeout.add_seconds_full' does not take 4 arguments Compilation failed: 3 error(s), 0 warning(s) notes-plugin version: trunk-r7213 Build & Platform: Build 2009-04-20 on Arch Linux
The vala code supports 0.5. Vala 0.7 has been introduced changes that as you can see renders the code uncompilable. The code will have to be updated to support Vala >= 0.7.
DestroyNotify functions are used to unref/free the data passed to a timeout from now on. I updated the code.