When you open the Appearances Window and goto the Icons tab your current selected theme isn't shown by default. Nothing major, but abit annoying if its been awhile since you've selected your theme.
This is still broken in the released 4.6. Also, when switching themes, the first click is registered; but no selection is shown in the list. You have to click twice to show the selection. I assume this is related
Works fine here...
If the xsettings channel is filled with an icon-theme name of an icon-theme that does not exist. Then it won't select any item. This might be the problem.
Stephan, Hrm, everything looks ok there. IconThemeName in xsettings is "cathbard-mint-gtk", the name in the themes index.theme is Cathbard Mint GTK, icons installed into /usr/share/icons/cathbard-mint-gtk/ Also, I don't seem to have the theme selection problem here, current theme is shown correctly and things switch on the first click ok here. If I can provide anything else please ask. Thanks!
The name is selected based on the folder name, so therefore nothing goes wrong this time. Could someone else with this problem show the output of "xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName" and the full path to the theme?
Nick, the output of the command you specified seems to hint to a case-sensitivity problem, does that make sense? My list of icons (of which none is selected) is: * Etiquette Icons * Etiquette Xfce * GNOME * Rodent The output of `xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName` is: gnome The full path seems to be '/usr/share/icons/gnome/'
Based on the command you supplied, I have tried selecting all four iconsets that XFCE shows. It seems something interesting comes up; the 'Rodent' theme works fine, and that is the only theme where the xfconf-query output matches the name in the list. For completeness: Name xfconf output Directory name Works? Etiquette Icons Etiquette /home/user/.icons/Etiquette x Etiquette Xfce Etiquette.Xfce /home/user/.icons/Etiquette.Xfce x GNOME gnome /usr/share/icons/gnome x Rodent Rodent /usr/share/icons/Rodent V
Verified, cp -R cathbard-mint-gtk cathbard and chaning the name=cathbard works. When you open the Icons Tab its shown correctly.
MM yeah I see, I made a typo in the code. I'm indeed mixing the folder name theme.index name. Will fix it tonight. Thanks for the info.
Should be fixed in revision 29642.