For now it is possible to choose a list of background pictures in desktop settings. It would be great if pictures from this list are changed after some (user defined) time. This is implemented in GNOME and KDE, but not in XFCE.
Created attachment 4061 [PATCH] Backdrop image cycling based on timer This code adds the ability to change the backdrop image when it's set to an image-list based on a backdrop-cycle-timer setting. Since this isn't exposed via xfdesktop-settings the value can be changed through the following xfconf-query command, where 10 is the number of minutes before switching. xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -np /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/backdrop-cycle-timer -t 'int' -s 10 Note: Your screen and monitor numbers maybe different.
I'm against this as a hidden property. I also doubt g_timeout_add_seconds() is inaccurate, so drop the GTimer. The timer id should be handled as well, so hold it in XfceBackdrop and run g_source_remove on finalize. For 65535 you can use GMAX_INT.
Created attachment 4167 [PATCH] Backdrop image cycling on a timer Added a checkbox to enable backdrop cycling and a spinbox to set the number of minutes to the settings app. Also switched to using the timer_id for g_timeout_add_seconds(), somehow I managed to miss that completely. Switched to G_MAXUSHORT since the cycle_timer will get multiplied by 60 to be in minutes.
Created attachment 4175 [PATCH] Backdrop image cycling on a timer In the settings app, there were a couple cases where the minutes spinner box was sensitive when it wasn't intended to be, fixed.
Created attachment 4190 [PATCH] Backdrop image cycling on a timer Got my hands on a 2nd monitor to test with and found a bug. Moved the backdrop list from desktop to the backdrop, this way you can have independent lists per monitor to cycle on and do things like only cycle on one (or more) monitor(s).