User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008121622 Ubuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Firefox/3.0.5 Build Identifier: As discussed with Mike Massonnet - * one list * a click on the list will put something in the DEFAULT and PRIMARY clipboard * the default is for selections to NOT be captured by clipman but this can be enabled by user * no 'Prevent Empty' option - always enabled * no 'Separate Lists' option * no 'Strictly' option * change polling function with event-driven clipboard_changed() routine (an associated timer routine is needed for apps that signal poorly) * allow list to hold one image (in addition to the text items) Reproducible: Always Currently clipman is buggy. We are simplifying the program for both the users and the maintainers as part of the process to get it reliable, before adding extra features.
Two patches have been introduced to trunk, in revision 6385 and 6411.
Version 0.9.0 has been released!