While using the newer 4.6.x (both beta2 and newer SVN), I've, of course, noticed the new right-click default. While I think this is an interesting new approach, I really don't appreciate it. However, while searching for an option to replace it with the simple menu from xfce 4.4.x, the only way I could find to do so was by removing all desktop icons as well. I've spoken to a handful of other people who also wish that older-format was, at least, available as an alternative - without having to remove icons from the desktop. It would be great to have this behavior back.
Sorry, not gonna happen. I've tried to find a way to work this in without it being overly complicated or difficult to maintain, and it's just not doable. The new layout, while requiring an extra mouse movement to get to the apps menu, is much more usable and intuitive overall when taking into account the fact that the desktop is a real desktop now, and not just a mouse-event-receiver with a pretty picture on it.