User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092816 Iceweasel/3.0.3 (Debian-3.0.3-3) Build Identifier: The ROX Filer [1] has a very useful feature: you can double-click on any empty space of the window (that is, on the panel that holds the file icons but not on an icon itself) and the filer window will resize to show as much files as possible. This means both increasing (for windows with more files than the actual size will show) and decreasing (for windows with few files and lots of empty space) size. It is useful because it saves screen real estate, and because it many occasions it will allow one to see most of the files on a folder with a simple action. In Thunar it could be replicated the same way or through another quick-to-access mechanism (a hotkey, for example). Reproducible: Always
IMHO this is especially useful for spatial file-managers, but not for navigational fm like thunar.
Closing won't fix.