For security reasons I prefer to use untrusted X connections, sometimes. A common way to get one is to connect to a server using ssh -X to be able to execute remote X applications without granting the remote application to read any keystroke in your locally running email program. A good way to get an application easily tested with untrusted connection is: xauth -f myauth generate :0.0 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 untrusted XAUTHORITY=$PWD/myauth firefox If XFCE is started with "default settings", then the above command will fail and cause an error. If I execute chmod o-x /usr/bin/xfce-mcs-manager as root and restart XFCE after that, then XFCE looks a bit silly but my untrusted X connections work well. Why does xfce-mcs-manager break untrusted X connections? Is there a workaround?
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