I'm not sure if I can describe it clearly by just writing about it so I took some screenshots. Here is an example of what I call a "corrupted icon": http://www.loka.pl/outgoing/notification_wrong.png As you can see the background behind the icon is for some reason a white rectangle rather than being transparent as it should be. This seems to happen with all icon themes I've tried. Also, notifications sent with notifiy-send, even using the very same icon, don't seem to suffer from the same problem. For example this command: "notify-send --icon=/home/filip/.icons/UltimateGnome/scalable/devices/gnome-dev-disc-dvdr-plus.svg -t 15000 "Notification Test" "Notification Test" -u critical" Produces this effect: http://www.loka.pl/outgoing/notification_correct.png OS: Arch Linux xfce4-volstatus-icon 0.1.0-2 (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/xfce4-volstatus-icon/xfce4-volstatus-icon/PKGBUILD) notification-daemon-xfce 0.3.7-2 (http://cvs.archlinux.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/xfce4/notification-daemon-xfce/PKGBUILD?rev=1.7&cvsroot=Extra&only_with_tag=CURRENT&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup) The icon theme used: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ultimate+Gnome?content=75000 I'd be happy to provide more info but I'm not sure what else might be relevant -- please let me know if you need anything else. Thanks a bunch!
I forgot to add -- when I choose unmount/eject directly from thunar everything is displayed correctly as well.
Hmm, not a volstatus bug... notification daemon issue, I guess we don't have a component for that, oops. Nick, I guess this is yours.
Brian -- apologies, it seems like I only started noticing it as I was playing with volstatus, which I only installed earlier today... After playing with this for a while I eventually reproduced this behavior while unmounting using thunar directly so it is, indeed, not specific to volstatus as I thought previously. I noticed another thing -- the notification is displayed correctly (in "critical" mode -- with the red border) when I'm unmounting a USB stick and the message reads "Writing data to device", but the "corruption" appears when the message changes to "the device is now safe to remove." I hope that description makes sense. I was also able to reproduce it in another distro (Crux) -- though my Crux ports tend to be inspired by Arch PKGBUILDs so this doesn't exclude the possibility of some sort of a problem with how my packages are built.
This project has been archived, so we are closing related bugs.