Sometimes after closing a window the wrong window has the focus but the stack ordering is correct. I found a reproducable example. Description is at (made me able to include images easily).
Problem confirmed. Actually, it's a minor problem as long as the window that shows focused is actually focused. Olivier.
I have found a problem with a own application that causes the same problem, i.e. after closing a window the wrong window is focued. The problem is a bit different: 1. Start the application on a desktop with at least two windows open. 2. Click on the button to open the dialog 3. Minimize the main window. The dialog gets minimized, too. 4. Restore the window. The dialog gets focued. 5. Close the dialog. Now another window and not the application is focued! The dialog has (in my opinion) the right WM_TRANSIENT_FOR(WINDOW) entry. I wrote a small application to reproduce the problem. It's attached. It's a Qt application. Statical linked binary is included if you don't have Qt developmenet tools installed. I hope the problem can be fixed in future, it's the own bug I know of in xfwm4.
Sorry, the file upload didn't work. Use
I dunno what version of xfwm4 you use, but I don't see the behaviour you describe and the window is properly focused once the dialog closes. There is code in xfwm4 to ensure this, so I'm really wondering if you are usng the same version.
Can you try with this version, just to make sure: TIA Olivier.
I use With your version I get the same result as you: It works. The Xine problem seems to be fixed, too. Very good! So you can close this bug. But with this version, another problem is introduced: If a application was started from the Panel, the panel always gets the focus back if the application is closed. This was not in previous versions! Do you consider this as bug and if so, should I open another bug entry?
Updated archive, same player, please try again :) Olivier.
Seems to work very well. Good work!
mass stale bug cleanup - reopen if closed in error