It seems Xfce doesn't search inside sub-directories in the 'applications' folders. KDE for example, stores some apps inside /usr/share/applications/kde/. I've no idea if the spec allows this, but it's probably better to add some simple tree walk script here. I've also cc-ed Jannis for libxfce4menu. Originally reported by Joe Klemmer:
Question here (sorry if I´m interrupting). I´ve seen info that seems to say that I can cause an item to _not_ display in a particular user´s menu by adding a copy of the /usr/share/applications/<n>.desktop file to the users /home/<user>/share/applications directory and adding ¨NoDisplay=true¨ and this will supersede the file in /usr/share... and cause the menu item _not_ to display on the Applications menu for that particular user. Is this true? I´ve been attempting this and it doesn´t seem to work (assuming it is supposed to act this way). And I´ve been hunting all over for the right folks to ask about this. If this is a bug, I´d like this to serve as the appropriate notice of the bug, too. Thanks very much
As for the sub-directory thing: That should just work (tm) as long as the .desktop files don't have OnlyShowIn=KDE or NotShowIn=XFCE. @Nate: Sorry for the late reply. libxfce4menu currently reads the NoDisplay value but doesn't hide the menu items from the client. So all clients need to check xfce_menu_item_get_no_display() and skip the menu items with NoDisplay=true. It probably makes sense to handle this inside libxfce4menu and not in each client on its own. In the current state this is more a xfdesktop or xfce4-appfinder bug than one of libxfce4menu.
It should work just fine. I'll mark this as WORKSFORME for now until someone proves that it doesn't work.