i checked the extract path (in the entry) to work with special chars and found some, that cause errors when you try to extract files. those chars don't cause problems, when the added or extracted filenames contain them, it's only in the extract path. maybe you need to escape it properly. the results with those chars are, that squeeze creates the folder but then receives an error, which causes no files to be extracted. my testcase was the file a@!"§$%&()=}][{?ß+~#'-.tar.gz containing the file a@!"§$%&()=}][{?ß+~#'- when you click the extract button and simply click extract, the command exits with status 512, so i tried to find the chars causing trouble. these are my results: a@!§$%&()=}][{?ß+~- works fine äöü works fine " 512 ' sigsegv "' 512 # 512 #' 512 "# 512 "#' 512
fixed (this one really is)