User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/ Build Identifier: In kiosk mode, especially, and in other cases where many users may have global or similar desktop and panel setups, it's difficut to tell just which account is currently in use. It would be extremly handy to have a token, like %U, which would substitute the account username into the xfce-menu mouse-over pop-up title, and also available in the expanded menu title lines. By having this token, a menu title popup could be made to look like "User %U Menu" that would expand to "User bsmith Menu" if bsmith was the account logged in. The dynamic nature of the token allows /etc/skel templates and kiosk mode to adapt to various login names. Reproducible: Always
Do you still need this feature? Because the xfce4-whsikermenu-plugin provides the user name. Also the xfce4-genmon-plugin could put the user name into the panel.
Yes. Because: - not all systems use WhiskerMenu - the logical place for the username is in the menu tooltip - There's no point in having yet another panel widget just to display the username
The action button plugin provides the current user name
As both Silvio and Skunnyk point out there are multiple ways to get the username into the panel. The applications menu plugin doesn't feel like the right place for this feature.