I just installed and added this item to my panel, but it doesn't launch thunar. Neither clicking on a bookmark or the file manager icon works. Thunar works if I run it myself, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Also, it appears that perlxml is a dependency. This should probably be added to the website's dependencies section.
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I have /usr/bin/thunar hard-coded as the path now for some reason, and I'm guessing you have thunar installed in a different location (please check with `which thunar`). If this is the case, please try editing panel-plugin/places.c and changing the line in places_load_thunar() to read: gchar * cmd = g_strconcat("thunar ", path, NULL); Then recompile, reinstall, and let me know if it works :)
Indeed it works now, thanks :) thunar is installed to /opt/xfce4/ here.
Thanks for your testing, Scott. Patched in subversion as revision 2567.
Regarding "it appears that perlxml is a dependency. This should probably be added to the website's dependencies section"... I asked Jannis about this, who said "I don't see this. xfce4-dev-tools doesn't depend on perlxml, neither does your plugin. But I think intltool depends on Perl's XML::Parser. As long as you check for intltool in your configure script everything should be ok." As far as I understand then, intltool requires perlxml. I think virtually all the goodies depend on intltool (without listing it as such). Thus, I think that if you would like to pursue a solution, you should open a more general bug.