User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); de-DE; rv: Gecko/20061208 Firefox/ Build Identifier: If you open a directory which contains subdirectories with lots of files, thunar slows down, because it wants to find out whether there are subdirectories of these subdirectories or not. E.G. if I open /usr it slows down, because it also analyses /usr/bin and /usr/lib (which contains lots of files). Normaly I've to wait a lot of time until Thunar will be ready to work again. I think it would be a better idea, to let Thunar stop analyzing if a directory got too big, because its too annoying for the user to wait until thunar is ready again. Because normaly I don't want to open /usr/bin, but /usr/src/linux for example. (You have a similar problem with the autocompletion in the file dialog if you enter /usr/bin the system slows down until the whole directory was read, even if you wanted just to enter quickly a filename in /usr/bin) Reproducible: Always
I can confirm this. This seems to happen only if tree view is enabled and one of the newer versions of GTK is used, I have GTK 2.10.6 here on my machine (Ubuntu Edgy), on Ubuntu Dapper for example which includes an older GTK version this was much faster, obviously because directorys weren't scanned in the tree view if they containend subdirectorys.
I can confirm too, and see the same behaviour of nautilus: Perhaps an issue of some underlying library?
I can confirm this too. Maybe I should enter a new bug, but I think that my problem is connected to this bug. When I am viewing some SD cards Thunar sometimes hangs up on top directory of card or in some other directories. It could be similar, because some directories of SD contain huge amount of photos. What is even more weird is that sometimes when whole directory finally is loaded and I copy few files somewhere to my home directory it's like Thunar do it over and over again... Of course Thunar takes almost 100% of CPU and I can't even kill him...
I have the same problem with Thunar 0.8.0 on Xubuntu Feisty. I use several external HDDs as data archives and on my slower machine (K7/700,512MB) with USB1.1 connection directory browsing gets horribly slow. My suggestion would be to be able to tell thunar to always first inspect and display the deep directory which gets marked in the tree by the user and only inspect higher level directories in the spare time when the user doesn't click anything new. The resulting speedup would be tremendous. btw, this is the biggest annoyance I'm experiencing in Xubuntu and the sole reason I created an account here was to post this.
There is a patch in bug 4051 that should improve the treeview. Please try it.
Please reopen if this is still an issue with the latest Thunar release.