The previous release made the icons not fit, now the icons are definately too small and the V button to open a menu has the same problem as the icons before.
I can't do anything about the smallness of the icons, it's either that or cropped icons. Blame gtk for that. I'll have a look at the arrow buttons.
See Maybe we could put the hint in the FAQ? My entry in ~/.gtkrc-2.0 is: style "small" { GtkWidget::focus-padding = 0 } class "XfceIconbutton" style "small" class "XfceMenubutton" style "small"
Indeed, thanks. You probably want to add class "XfceTogglebutton" style "small" I hope that will improve the arrow button.
The .gtkrc-2.0 gets them now at least on *real* size. So that would solve my first problem. Could such thing also work with the arrow buttons? Ok the Arrow buttons are slightly over sized, so they probably need the same code job as the buttons. (See 2nd screenshot) edited on: 07-15 09:02
i noticed that olivier set the focus-padding to zero for all of the xfce gtk2 themes. is this fixed, or are there still remaining issues?
I changed CVS HEAD to programmatically set focus padding to 0 for the arrow buttons, but it feels a bit hacky, so I'd reather leave this open for a while.
Found no better solution, so this will have to do.