xffm breaks xfce menu. Now my right click doesn't work, my icons dont work, and clicking on my xfce menu doesn't work, I have a pretty much totally useless desktop. I am not totally sure what caused this. I thought I would try and refresh the desktop by unselecting then reselecting 'let xfce manage my desktop'..... because my right click had stopped working. However if I deselect this option, then go back into the panel, the option hasn't been deselected.
Actually my icons do work if I click on them twice intead of once...and I thought I just wasn't clicking hard enough. Doh.
Marking Resolved Invalid - xffm is not part of xfce 4.4.x, so I don't think it's relevant anyway, but in any case, if it's still an issue, please comment. @devs - if there's some reason I'm not aware of to leave this open, here's an invitation to flame ;-)