Set up this in a launcher: xterm vpnclient connect "Faculty-Staff Off Campus" When the command (without the xterm) is run from an xterm the window stays open until ^C is used. When the command above is entered into a launcher window the xterm opens and closes immediately. I had to add -e to the xterm command to get it to work. xterm -e vpnclient connect "Faculty-Staff Off Campus"
Additional information: On the mail list it was suggested I file a bug on this. I would expect that I did NOT need the -e option.
according to the xterm manpage, it seems to be the normal behaviour of xterm. In fact the window opens to show you the syntax of xterm and then, as the process is finished, closes.
I was under the impression that the xterm would remain open until the process is done. If I run this by starting an xterm and then running vpnclient vpnclient starts up and does not exit until I hit ^C. I would assume xterm vpnclient xxx xxx should do the same - start vpnclient and wait until the program ends - which doesn't happen until I ^C it. If I create a launcher with just xterm the xterm does not go away.
This is not a bug. And it has nothing to do with xfce. If you want to run a command in a terminal you have two options: 1) Write the command in the appropriate text entry and check the 'run in terminal' option. 2) Use 'xterm -e <command>' in the command entry. Running 'xterm <command>' inside a terminal does not work, why should it work from the panel?
mass reassign from zz-do-not-use to general, so i can remove the zz-do-not-use component. sorry for the spam, search for this string to filter these: fis7cldoq35p3kjdu74emc
Moving invalid bugs to the /dev/null product.