(Sorry for my "groovy english" - german "translation" ;) at the bottom) Hi, i I put ~/.xfce4/backgrounds.list as the value for my background- list I became a requestpopup at the next bootup told me that my list couldn't be found cause the file or dir wasn't found. I have to put the whole /home/stefan/.xfce4/backgrounds.list into the field - but so I can't share my config with the other local users who are login at my machine or rename my account without fixing the whole xfce4- config cause the whole "pfad" are needed. ---------------------------- Moin, wieso muss der komplette Pfad ins Userhome in die Desktopbackgroundconfig eingetragen werden? Also bspw. /home/stefan/.xfce4/desktopbackgrounds.list Wieso reicht nicht die Angabe von ~/.xfce4/desktopbackgrounds.list? In dem Fall, wo ich die relative Pfadangabe eintrage, meldet er mir beim naechsten einloggen ins X, dass der Ordner oder die Datei nicht gefunden werden kann. Ich war eigentlich bisher immer der Meinung, /home/stefan/.xfce4/desktopbackgrounds.list sei dasselbe wie ~/.xfce4/desktopbackgrounds.list? Waere jedenfalls sehr vorteilhaft, wenn man seine Config mit anderen Usern dieses Rechners austauschen moechte.
Brian, now I guess, you want xfsm_expand_variables() in libxfce4util, eh? ;-) edited on: 05-17 15:04
right - we just pass the filename string as-is to the file open function, and no tilde-expansion is done. i'm really not interested in implementing this. if you have root on the machine, and you really want to do this, put the file in a globally-readable place and reference it with an absolute path. incidentally, sharing configs with multiple users doesn't sound like a great idea (permission issues?), and i really don't see why you'd need to rename your account all that often, if ever.
I always put the path relative to my homedir into all fields (panel launchers, desktop background list, ...), and never had any problem ;) What I do is give it relative to the homedir without any "~" For example: .xfce4/bg-list Works here with head, I think... I can see the pics, that is :D
that's true, but that will only work if xfdesktop is started with your homedir as the working directory. this should be what happens normally, i think, but i wouldn't rely on it to work everywhere. at any rate, if your .xfce4 directory is world-readable, which it must be if you are sharing it with other accounts, putting in the full pathname to the file (in your homedir) shouldn't be a problem, as it's the file they'd be using anyway, no?
closing. XfceAppMenuItem uses xfce_expand_variables() now.