In Terminal.desktop the desktop icon is referenced as Terminal.xpm, but the one the gets installed is named terminal.xpm
In Terminal.desktop (generated from, the Icon is set to "Terminal", see I guess you're talking about the Debian menu system file. If so, please report a bug to the Debian maintainer instead.
No, I'm talking about the icon which is installed to $(datadir)/pixmaps and that's the one used by xfdesktop and appfinder.
Well, the terminal.xpm icon is only used for the Debian menu stuff, since an XPM icon required there (and IIRC its also used for the mandrake menu). The .desktop file uses the themed icon (Terminal.png, Terminal.svg), which is installed into the hicolor icon theme.
Ok, that's strange. I've done a fresh install from sources and the only icon missed in appfinder and the xfdesktop-menu is that from Terminal. The reason might be that I have only a /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/Terminal.svg and no Terminal.png available and no librsvg installed. Btw, I'm not using Debian, but CRUX.
Aye. For some reason Terminal.png isn't installed properly. I'll fix that, thanks.
Fixed with revision 21425. 2006-05-01 Benedikt Meurer <> * icons/48x48/ Properly install Terminal.png into the hicolor icon theme. Bug #1748.