There does not seem to be a way of activating/deactivating "Do not disturb" from the command line. Killing `xfce4-notifyd` doesn't work reliably, neither via `kill` nor via `systemctl`, as it immediately turns back on when some applications sends a notification, hence this feature request. This would be pretty useful as a user could then bind a keyboard shortcut for toggling the mode, which comes in handy when one needs to shut off notifications in a hurry (e.g. for a presentation).
While this is not the most discoverable way possible, this is already possible via xfconf-query. Examples: # Enable Do Not Disturb xfconf-query -c xfce4-notifyd -p /do-not-disturb -s true # Disable Do Not Disturb xfconf-query -c xfce4-notifyd -p /do-not-disturb -s false # Toggle Do Not Disturb xfconf-query -c xfce4-notifyd -p /do-not-disturb -T I have also added this to the FAQ / docs now: