On my ThinkPad I have a PrtSc button next to my ctrl and alt buttons. This obviously causes some annoyances, but I also liked the fact that I could make a quick printscreen swiftly. What I do not understand is that (for usability) the applyication may launch tens of times, when just pressing the button (key down). What I would expect: - key press (key down, key up) would launch the application once. What I would like: - the application is only (ever) started once, if it is already launched, it gets focus.
With your proposal xfce4-screenshooter wouldn't be able to take screenshots of itself anymore, I find it very useful and users rely on this to report bugs. I suggest you to bind "xfce4-screenshooter -r" to "Print", the region mode blocks further shortcuts to be invoked.
It is indeed a useful suggestion, which I applied. But why not make an option that would allow single time launching?
Because I would like to avoid feature creep.