Created attachment 9109 clock-digital-formats.diff I think the digital clocks format (Layout=Digital, Clock Options/Format) lacks %H:%M option. The patch adds this option. I know there is "Custom Format", but %H:%M (i.e.: "16:32") seems such a basic option, it should be included among the presets.
I could imagine replacing "%r" with "%R", which is what you're after I guess. I wonder if anyone cares about seconds not being part of the presets, but to be honest it doesn't feel too reasonable.
Yeah, %R is the format I miss in the preset formats. In more length: I do not like the current default, which is to show the date in the clocks all the time. The date occupies valuable space, I do not need to know it that often and when I want to know it (once in a day, usually), I hover the mouse above the clock. IMO the default for the clock should be "08:22 AM" ("%I:%M %p") for locales that use AM/PM (US locale) and "08:22" (%R) otherwise (cs_CZ). Actually - looking now at - the leading zero can be removed with an underscore _ and it looks the best without the leading zero (that is what I have on my phone too). So the format I (being from the Czech republic) now prefer the most (and I think it should be default) is "%_H:%M". For countries that use AM/PM, the default format should imo be "%_I:%M %p".
Created attachment 9112 digital-24h-without-leading-zeros.p This is the change I would prefer now.
In XFCE 4.12, the 24h format without the date was the default and the first option in clock options/format. Perhaps this changed with the move to gtk3, since I do not see any change on the corresponding line
Created attachment 9138 clocks and clock options in XFCE 4.12
Created attachment 9139 clocks and clock options in XFCE 4.12 better screenshot with en_US locale
It has nothing to do with gtk3, it was just changed recently bug 15456 Well I miss the old default. Display time as "%R" always, date only on mouseover. (and "%_H:%M" i.e. without the leading zero is even better)
Simon Steinbeiss referenced this bugreport in commit e8c6fc408d0c0e750420633c8424498c9439cc17 clock: Add back hour:min to format presets (Bug #16035)
The default layout was updated for a reason, but I added the %R back in your amended version, with %_H. Distributions can modify these upstream values anyway (e.g. Xubuntu has had a different default layout for many years) and it should be easy enough to switch to another layout.
Thank you!