I think everything has settled on /usr/share/appdata by now. thunar.git#master:Makefile.am still uses "appdatadir = $(datadir)/metainfo", which should be replaced with "$(datadir)/appdata".
Correct me if I am wrong .. if I read the related do on freedesktop.org, it more looks like appdata is the deprecated one and got replaced by metainfo: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/appstream/docs/chap-Metadata.html#sect-Metadata-GenericComponent
Might be true. xfce as a whole should only support one of the paths. If metainfo is the new thing, just use it everywhere.
Sounds like a good idea. Might I ask you to open bugs for all componnts which still use appdata, and add a link to the freedesktop.org specification ?
A new bug for each of the following pkgs? xfce4-power-manager/data/appdata/Makefile.am:5:appdatadir = $(datadir)/appdata parole/data/appdata/Makefile.am:5:appdatadir = $(datadir)/appdata ristretto/Makefile.am:14:appdatadir = $(datadir)/appdata xfce4-clipman-plugin/data/appdata/Makefile.am:1:appdatadir = $(datadir)/appdata xfce4-screenshooter/Makefile.am:198:appdatadir = $(datadir)/appdat
Yes, please! - Best drop the links to the other bugs into each package-bug. - Caution: It makes sense to still load the "appdata" folder for bw compatibility. So the transition to metainfo will look like that: -- 1. e.g. xfce4.14: Load stuff from MetaInfo folder, fallback to Appdata folder if nothing found in metainfo folder. Save stuff to Metainfo folder. -- 2. One or two major versions later, e.g. xfce4.16: Load save/ stuff only from MetaInfo folder.
Since Thunar already seems to use metainfo, I will close this bug