As title fragment from ~/.config/menus/ <Menu> <Menu> <Name>rip mix burn</Name> <Directory></Directory> <Include> <Category>micks_Image_rip mix burn</Category> </Include> </Menu> <Menu> <Name>graphix</Name> <Directory></Directory> <Include> <Category>micks_Image_Graphix</Category> </Include> </Menu> <Name>Image</Name> <Directory></Directory> <Include> <Category>micks_Image</Category> </Include> </Menu> ~/.local/share/desktop-directories exists and contains files, contains [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Directory Icon=media-optical Name=Image Comment=image both sorts I'm failing to understand what changed with newer versions.
Nothing changed with newer versions. Whisker Menu does not parse the menu or directory files; that is handled by garcon. Additionally, there have been no changes to the Whisker Menu code that interacts with garcon for handling categories and icons. I have not been able to recreate this bug myself. Subcategories show up for me with whatever icon is specified.
Thanks for looking at this. I will have to have a long hard look at my system then.