Created attachment 7842 Wrong processes sort order icon. Please, see the screenshot. When sorting the processes by CPU usage, there is this little triangle icon near the column heading. When the processes are sorted in the 'decreasing' cpu usage order, that is, when the most cpu-consuming process is in the top, the icon is positioned having a corner in the top. When the processes are sorted in the opposite order, the 'base' of the triangle is in the top. In most table representations in computers it's usually done the other way. Shall it be changed?
Xfce uses gtk, and gtk/gnome folks decided to have those arrows reversed when compared to other OSes: More info: Even if we somehow reversed those arrows in Xfce apps, non-Xfce apps would have them "unreversed", and things would be even more confusing. Fortunately that can be changed in a system-wide manner, at least for gtk3 apps: echo "gtk-alternative-sort-arrows=true" >> ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini