From When using Catfish 1.4.4 I noticed that the icons in the results don't match my icon theme, or most icon themes for that matter, or most other applications. I isolated the video icon Catfish uses as a test, and it uses gnome-mime-video for the icon. This doesn't match the mime info for most other applications or any other modern file browsers that I'm aware of. Most software now uses this freedesktop shared-mime-info database/spec. If Catfish is only going to use generic icons for results, it might be better to use that standard spec instead of gnome-specific icons. The generic mimes/icons from that spec would instead be video-x-generic, audio-x-generic, text-x-generic, folder, image-x-generic, package-x-generic, etc. Most icon themes don't use gnome-specific icons anymore. And even checking Gnome's own gtk3-icon-browser (and gtk4 browser), Gnome also now seems to follow the freedesktop mime standard. -- Comment #1 -- I wanted to add this link as well -- it's the freedesktop icon naming spec page which lists many of the generic icon names. Also just for reference to maybe help others out, I am adding here all the icon names that I have found so far that Catfish uses/prefers. I know it's not a complete list but these are common ones anyway. I've found that for many files it won't use an icon specific to that file or even that type of file. For example a gz file, part file, mts file, and lzma file will all use the text file icon. Many fall back to gtk-file icon so a json, exe, xcf, ttf, otf, and many others use the same icon. gnome-mime-application-javascript.svg gnome-mime-application-msword.svg gnome-mime-application-pdf.svg gnome-mime-application-postscript.svg gnome-mime-application-rar.svg gnome-mime-application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet.svg gnome-mime-application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.text.svg gnome-mime-application-vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.svg gnome-mime-application-vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document.svg gnome-mime-application-x-7z-compressed.svg gnome-mime-application-x-abiword.svg gnome-mime-application-x-gnumeric.svg gnome-mime-application-xml.svg gnome-mime-application-x-shockwave-flash.svg gnome-mime-application-x-tar.svg gnome-mime-application-zip.svg gnome-mime-audio.svg gnome-mime-image-bmp.svg gnome-mime-image-gif.svg gnome-mime-image-jpeg.svg gnome-mime-image-png.svg gnome-mime-image.svg gnome-mime-image-svg.svg gnome-mime-image-tiff.svg gnome-mime-text-css.svg gnome-mime-text-html.svg gnome-mime-text-plain.svg gnome-mime-text-x-java.svg gnome-mime-text-x-python.svg gnome-mime-text-x-sh.svg gnome-mime-video.svg gnome-mime-video-x-ms-wmv.svg gtk-directory.svg gtk-file.svg
Sean Davis referenced this bugreport in commit 9700da485005d98996873a8713e784386a69ec23 Replace stock icons, use standard MIME icons (bug #14503)
Fixed in the above commit.