From Can't drag and drop a/multiple file(s) from Catfish into Thunar. When I drag a file from Catfish into Thunar nothing happens. The cursor stays a fist when hovering over a folder in Thunar. When I drag a file to VLC, for example, the cursor becomes a fist with a plus symbol. Using Xubuntu 16.04
Confirmed. * Dropping into Thunar does nothing unless the item is dropped into the path bar. * Dropping into Parole seems to crash the player. * Dropping into VLC works.
Confirmed. Catfish 1.4.6 on Arch. - Dropping search results into Gmail dialog box in Firefox (to attach a file) has no effects. - Dropping search results into Desktop or a Thunar window has no effects.
Sean Davis referenced this bugreport in commit 16b12b178ec957f45d864af492aafa618f949913 Enable file drag and drop (bug #14492)
The above commit seems to implement this feature.